ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Archive | November 2023 (2)

Total matches for November 2023: 161

M42 The Orion Nebula
M42 The Orion Nebula and the Running Man Nebula
M42/M43 Orion Nebula
M051 Whirlpool Galaxy
M051 Whirlpool Galaxy (80x300)
M051 Whirlpool Galaxy (282x300)
M57 Ring Nebula Aug. 28, 2020
M61 with Supernova sn2020jfo Annotated
M61, with supernova sn2020jfo
M064 Black Eye Galaxy
M064 Black Eye Galaxy Cropped
M065 Annotated
M81 and M82
M81 and M82 Bode's Galaxy
M81 and M82 Bodes and Cigar Galaxies
M81, M82 and NGC 3077
M82 Cigar Galaxy
M82 the Cigar Galaxy
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy Cropped
M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy
M104  Sombrero Galaxy using the SkyWatcher Esprit 120mm Refractor
M104 Sombreo Galaxy
M106 x96
Markarian Chain and Neighbouring Galaxies
Markarian Chain and Neighbouring Galaxies Annotated
Markarian's Chain
Mars near oppostion 2022-11-29
Mars Oct. 11, 2020
Moon at 72.2% illumination
NGC 281 AutoStretch
NGC 891 Silver Silver Galaxy
NGC 891 Silver Silver Galaxy cropped
NGC 2175
NGC 2175 Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 2175 Monkey Head Nebula 2023-09-16
NGC 4244 Processed
NGC 4565 x28
NGC 4565 x63
NGC 7000 July-28-2020 63x300
NGC 7000 July-28-2020 86x300
NGC 7000 May-18-2020
NGC 7000 North America Nebula
NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula
NGC 7822
NGC 7822 (13 hrs 40 min)
NGC 7822 version 2
NGC_2359 Thor's Helmet2
NGC_4244 Triad Filter 1200 secs single image
NGC_4889 Annotated
NGC_6960 Western Veil Aug. 20, 2020
NGC_6960 Western Veil Aug. 22, 2020
NGC_6960 Western Veil Aug. 27, 2020
NGC_7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC_7635 Bubble Nebula Cropped
NGC281 Reprocessed using BlurXTerminator
NGC2244 Rosette Nebula
North America Nebula (IC 7000)
North America Nebula (IC 7000) v2
North America Nebula Aug-02-2020
Nova Cas 2021
Observing the Dark Horse rising
Pacman Nebula NGC 281
Polaris Star Trails
Reprocessed Monkey Head Nebula
Star Trails at SCO
Star Trails at the Keji Sky Circle
Star Trails from Keji Site 14
Supernova 2022hrs
Supernova 2023ixf in M101 the Pinwheel Galaxy
Supernova 2023ixf in M101 the Pinwheel Galaxy Annotated
Supernova sn2020jfo in M61
The southern Milky Way from Horizon to Horizon

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