ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Recent Images | Jellyfish_Nebula (4 hours exposure)

Jellyfish_Nebula (4 hours exposure)
The Jellyfish Nebula (catalogued as IC 433 and Sharpless 248) is a galactic supernova remnant in the constellation Gemini, located near the star Eta Geminorum. Its distance is roughly 5,000 light years from Earth. IC 443 may be the remains of a supernova that occurred 3,000 - 30,000 years ago. IC 443 is one of the best-studied cases of supernova remnants interacting with surrounding molecular clouds.

A total of 4 hours exposure.

Exposure12@1200 sec
CameraNikon Z7 [8856 x 5504]
OpticsSkywatcher Esprit 120mm Refractor
FilterRadian Triad Ultra Quad-Band Narrowband Filter
GuidingPhd2 using a ZWO 224MC on an Orion 60x240mm Guide scope
ControllerImages taken using Kstars on an Odroid-N2 (Raspberry Pi clone)
LocationLower Sackville, Nova Scotia.
PixInsight Processing
WeightedBatchPreprocessing Script
Dynamic Crop
Automatic Background Extractor
Further tweaking for colour in Lightroom

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