ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Nebulae | NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet | NGC_2359 Thor's Helmet2

NGC_2359 Thor's Helmet2

NGC2359 Thor's Helmet is an emission nebula in the constellation Canis Major. The nebula is about 12 thousand light years away and 30 light-years in size. The central star is the Wolf-Rayet star WR7, an extremely hot star thought to be in a brief pre-supernova stage of evolution..

Note: click on the image to view it at the full resolution of the uploaded image, then click again for actual size.

Total image time was 2 hours.

Exposure 6x20 min.
ISO 3200
Camera Nikon Z7 [8856 x 5504]
Optics 120mm Skywatcher Esprit on a Celestron CGX mount
Guiding ZWO ASI224MC using Phd2
Controller Kstars on MeLe Quieter 3C
Filter Triad Quad Ultra
Location Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia.
Date 2023-03-21
Processing Processed in PixInsight.
Dynamic Background Extractor
ScreenTransfer Stretch
Further processing in Lightroom

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