ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Nebulae | IC 410 The Tadpoles Nebula | IC410_Tadpole_Nebula tweaked

IC410_Tadpole_Nebula tweaked

IC 410, the Tadpoles Nebula - BBC The Sky At Night "is located 12,000 lightyears from Earth in the Auriga constellation, and is nicknamed the Tadpole Nebula because of the tadpole-shaped clouds of dark dust that appear to be swimming towards the centre. The Tadpole Nebula is a region of ionised hydrogen gas spanning over 100 lightyears across that's carved and sculpted by streams of charged particles called stellar winds emanating from open star cluster NGC 1893. NGC 1893 is about 4 million years old: the blink of an eye in cosmic terms. The 'tadpoles' that give the nebula its nickname are dense streams of dust and gas about 10 lightyears long that may well be sites of star formation."

Total image time was 4 hours.

Exposure 12x20 min.
ISO 3200
Camera Nikon Z7 [8856 x 5504]
Optics 120mm Skywatcher Esprit on a Celestron CGX mount
Guiding ZWO ASI224MC using Phd2
Controller Kstars on MeLe Quieter 3C
Filter Triad Quad Ultra
Location Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia.
Date 2023-02-07
Processing Processed in PixInsight.
Dynamic Background Extractor
ScreenTransfer Stretch
Further tweaking in Lightroom

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