This session was devoted to lunar observing.

Lunar Phase: Waning Gibbous (58.1%)
Q-Day: -1

Moonset: 1:51 PM       Moonrise: 11:50 PM                
Sunrise: 6:57 AM          Sunset: 7:37 PM

Location: Site 15, Kejimkujik National Park
Date: 2017-09-12
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:13 AM
Equipment: Visual
Transparency: not recorded
Seeing: not recorded

We were camping at Site 15 on Big Muise Island with our friends the Chapmans. Dave had his telescope set up and watched as the Moon occulted Aldebaran; viewed it naked eye. Dave did share the view with his telescope when Aldebaran reappeared. Not sure who took the photo of Aldebaran's reappearance.


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