Constellation: Andromeda, Aquila, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Pegasus, Perseus, Triangulum, Ursa Major
Stars: Alpheratz, Deneb, Mirfak, Vega 
Asterism: Coathanger/Collinder 399/Brocchi's Cluster, Northern Cross, Square of Pegasus, Summer Triangle / DAVe 
Messier Object
: M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), M45 (Pleaides)
Melotte: Alpha Persei Cluster (Melotte 25, Collinder 39)

Location: home
Date: 2016-10-04
Time: 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Instrument: Visual + Binocular 10x30 IS
Magnification: x10
Transparency: not recorded
Seeing: not recorded
Temperature: 6° C

Clear skies and no Moon.

Time: 9:05 PM
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Ref: 64, 65, 66
Found Altair and most of the stars in Aquila.
Cygnus / Northern Cross
Time: 9:10 PM
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Ref: 62, 63, H
Located Deneb in Cygnus then identified the "central" stars that created the Northern Cross.

Coathanger / Collinder 399
Time: 9:20 PM
Instrument: Binocular 10x30 IS
Magnification: x10
S&T Chart Ref: 65
Using Albireo, was able to locate the asterism and locate all 10 stars. Approximately 40° below Albireo and 1-1/4 FOV to 1-1/2 FOVs.

Ursa Major
Time: 9:25 PM
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars 10x30 IS
Magnification: x10
S&T Chart Ref: 31, 32, 33, 43, F
All stars in the constellation except Megrez very easily seen naked eye. Using binoculars, all stars were found including the optical double of Mizar & Alcor. 

Time: 9:20 PM
Instrument: Visual
ILocated Altair and identified most of the stars in the constellation.

Time: 9:25 PM
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars 10x30 IS
ISS seen travelling NE of Arcturus low in the sky to Alioth in Uma, It disappeared just SW of Mizar.

Perseus & Alpha Persei Cluster (Melotte 20)
Time: 9:37 PM
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars 10x30 IS
Magnification: x10
S&T Chart Ref: 2, 13
Could easily discern most of the stars in the constellation. Didn't realize there were stars past Epsilon. Mirfak was very bright! Numerous stars clustered near Mirfak - perhaps Alpha Persei Cluster(?). Very loose, very large. 

Time: 9:45 PM
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars 10x30 IS
Magnification: x10
S&T Chart Ref: 2, 4
The clear night skies allowed easy recognition of Triangulum.
Used the binoculars to go below Cassiopeia to find it. Also located it visually.

M45 (Pleiades)
Time: 9:50 PM
Instrument: Binoculars 10x30 IS
Magnification: x10
S&T Chart Ref: 14, 15, A
Pleiades' characterisitic brightness and shape was discovered above our neighbour's trees to the NE. Not very high in the sky, approximately 15°. Noted the 5 brightest stars look like a miniature and distorted Big Dipper.

Time: 10:12 PM
Instrument: Visual
Bright red streak, short in duration. East of Perseus (from Algol to Epsilon).


Andromeda & M31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
Time: 10:15 PM
Instrument: Binoculars 10x30 IS
S&T Chart Ref: 3, 72
Alpheratz in Pegasus easily seen so could find stars in the constellation of Andromeda. Using the binoculars, it was easy to find and observe M31. Street lights prevented naked eye observation, despite being able to see Mirach - just see it.

Time: 10:15 PM
Instrument: Binoculars 10x30 IS
S&T Chart Ref: 74, 75
Square of Pegasus located and could easily see Homam, Baham and Enif as well.


Time: 10:50 PM
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Ref: 1, 3, 72
All stars in the constellation easily seen and readily identified. Visual observation only; didn't use the binoculars.

Summer Triangle / DAVe
Time: unknown
Instrument: Visual
Located Deneb, Altair, and Vega, then their related constellations. Easily found!


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