Minor Planet: (7) Iris
Clusters: Melotte 20 (α Perseii Cluster, Collinder 39), Hyades
Messier Objects: M45 (Pleaides)

Location: Home
Date: 2017-10-28
Time: 7:45 PM & 10:00 PM AST
Equipment: Binoculars, 10x30 IS & 15x70
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Good (3)
Temperature: 10º C

No wind. Clear skies. Waxing Crescent Moon.  Jerry and I were in the backyard observing; the primary reason for this session for me was to observe the Moon with my telescope - Explore the Moon (Telescope) - October 28, 2017. I was also able to complete IWLOP 092 - Clavius.

(7) Iris
Time: 7:58 PM & 9:40 PM ADT
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
Having found (7) Iris the night before (thanks to Dave Chapman), I was able to show Jerry where to find it. Aries was high above our house so was able to show him how to locate the minor planet using κ Aries. The relative distances cited last night were no longer true; it appeared that the distance between κ and (7) Iris had increased. 


Melotte 20 (α Perseii Cluster, Collinder 39)
Time: not recorded
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
S&T Chart Reference: 2, 1
Perseus was above the house across the street. The star Mirfak was easily identified but required binoculars to see the stars of the open cluster due to light pollution from the street lights.

Taurus & the Hyades
Time: not recorded
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
S&T Chart Reference: 14, 15, A
Used my binoculars to look at Aldebaran. Also attempted to see the double star at σ Tau and the triple at δ Tau - no success. However, the Hyades open cluster was glorious!

M45 (Pleaides)
Time: not recorded
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
S&T Chart Reference: 14, 15, A
First viewed the Pleaides visually that were easily found after seeing the Hyades. The used the binoculars to look closer at the "7 Sisters".

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