Minor Planet: (7) Iris

Location: Home of Jeff Donaldson, Enfield, NS
Date: 2017-10-27
Time: 9:13 PM AST
Equipment: Binoculars, 10x30 IS & 15x70
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Good (3)
Temperature: 6º C

No wind. Clear skies. First Quarter Moon. Jeff Donaldson had a neighbourhood outreach session and a few of the RASC Halifax Centre members were there with binoculars and telescopes to assist.

Dave Chapman showed Gillian and I how to locate Minor Planet (7) Iris in the constellation Aries. We had to put Hamal, Sheraton and Mesartim in our FOV, then focus on Hamal to find κ, then continue along that line to (7) Iris. It was almost equidistant, i.e., the distance between α and κ was equal to that of κ to (7) Iris. Very exciting! Thanks, Dave!


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